l-on Directive

Note: The shorthand property for l-on is @

l-on adds an event listener to the element is is attached to. This means if that event is emited on the element, then it will execute the expression. Check the Events refererence on MDN for more information.

Syntax: <button l-on:[event]="[expression]">...</button>

Example: <button l-on:click="key = 'value'">Change value</button>

mounted event

The mounted event fires when an element that has a l-state directive is initialized as a component.

effect event

The effect event fires when an element is modified.

.global property

The .global property forces the event listener to be attached to the document instead of the target element.

.prevent property

The .prevent property calls the preventDefault() on the event when it is called, essentially preventing normal, predefined behavior.

.stop property

The .stop property calls the stopPropogation() on the event when it is called, essentially preventing bubbling from child elements to parent elements.

.outside property

The .outside property attaches an event handler to the document, conditionally excluding the element it is attached to. This means that it only executes the expression when anything other than the target element is fired. This could be used for modals or special UI elements.

.self property

The .self property attaches an event handler to the element, conditionally excluding the children of that element. This means that it only executes the expression when only target element is fired. This could be used for cards with additional interactives.

.once property

The .once property forces the event listener to only be called once, meaning that event calls after will not work. This can be useful for one-time actions, such as loading HTML into the document from Ajax.

.passive property

The .passive property helps with better scroll performance, especially on mobile devices.

.[keycode] properties

The .[keycode] properties allows for key whitelisting when used in conjunction of a KeyboardEvent invocation. Just append extra properties with key event keycodes, which can be easily found on this website.